The LMU Student EXP guides students in finding value throughout their journey at Loyola Marymount University. At the core of the LMU EXP are five pillars that inspire students to integrate knowledge with action so they become leaders that transform the world.
The Five Pillars of the LMU EXP
Integrate Mind, Body & Spirit
Demonstrate transformative growth and develop as whole persons through the integration of mind, body and spirit.
Commit to Service & Justice
Be socially responsible citizens committed to building a more just world.
Become a Global Citizen
Value the diversity of the human experience and commit to the practice of interculturalism to make meaningful contributions as citizens of the global community.
Practice Ignatian Values
Make decisions congruent with their personal beliefs, values, and faith through continuous reflection and discernment.
Live a Life of Purpose
Lead a life where their greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need.