TOMODACHI Wins JASPA Community Impact Award

The Jesuit Association of Student Personnel Administrators (JASPA) has awarded their monthly Community Impact Award for September 2014 to LMU’s TOMODACHI Inouye Leadership Scholars Program. 

“TOMODACHI Inouye Scholars exchange program honors the life and legacy of Senator Daniel K. Inouye,” said the nominators. “The program offered participants an opportunity to learn about Senator Daniel K. Inouye, introducing scholars to Senator Inouye’s contributions to his state, country, heritage, and to the U.S.-Japan relationship, and hopefully to return to their schools inspired by his commitment to public service, justice, and U.S.-Japan cooperation.”

The TOMODACHI program is a partnership between Ethnic and Intercultural Services and the Asian Pacific American Studies Program at LMU.

Congratulations to the scholars and those involved in the coordination of this program.