8 Reasons Why Living at LMU is the Best

8 reasons lmu best 620x418 - 8 Reasons Why Living at LMU is the Best

From its beautiful bluff to its coffee shops, one student has named eight reasons why she thinks life at Loyola Marymount University is the best.

In a community list on BuzzFeed, sophomore Rachel Haik explains why she loves LMU, including that there’s always something cool happening on campus.

“There’s an annual music festival called Fallapalooza put on by ASLMU,” Haik says in the post. “Open Mic Night every Monday hosted by Mane Entertainment, Greek organizations have Lip Sync and philanthropy events every semester, and of course our amazing athletics teams have games all the time. Go Lions!”

Haik also credits the university’s location, Jesuit values, Twitter-using president and on-campus bar The Loft for additional reasons why LMU is “a win-win for students in both academics and environment.”

“Everyone cares about something,” she says about the LMU community. “There’s a positive vibe everywhere you go, and just about everyone is involved with one (or five) organizations. People are passionate and determined to change the world through their service or Greek organization, jobs and academics.”

Read Rachel’s list at Community on Buzzfeed.

Photo by Josh Kuroda via laloyolan.com.