My LMU EXP: Prepared for a Life of Purpose

From joining Greek Life to creating the Italian American Student Club and being elected to his role as ASLMU’s Speaker of the Senate, Anthony Sasso is not only prepared for his senior year, but also for what’s after the bluff.

Anthony Sasso, senior

Major: English Major

Hometown: Palos Verdes, California

“As senior year begins, I find it impossible not to reflect on my LMU EXP — all that it has done for me and all that it will continue to do after my time on the bluff is over in May. While the classrooms and lecture halls on campus have enhanced and opened my thought process to new possibilities, the experiences and involvement within the Lion community have made me a stronger leader, global citizen and person.

“While this is my final year at Loyola Marymount University, I plan on enjoying every moment that takes place — by ending my years here by gaining every piece of wisdom and joy that this campus delivers. This campus and student body may not the be largest in the nation physically or numerically, but the amount of opportunity and involvement is countless.

“During my time at LMU, I have created the Italian American Student Club, which has brought cultural awareness regarding Italian traditions to campus as well as further connecting this diverse student body. I have spent my years here within the brotherhood of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. It is an experience that has given me the tools to always be a true gentlemen and a better man.

“Another gratifying experience while at LMU has been my role on ASLMU as Speaker of the Senate. This has allowed me to be vulnerable which in return has given me an incredible amount of confidence for any situation, professionally or socially.

“My last area of involvement on campus has been one of the ultimate best, which is working for the Office of the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs. This student job has allowed me to further my professional skills while giving me a true sense of what responsibility and teamwork really is. Due to my involvement at LMU, big or small, each have allowed me to fully live a “Live a Life of Purpose.” It is a life of a purpose that has trained me to do what I am interested in and do it with my entire being. A life of purpose that is going to last well beyond on the bluff, and into law school where I plan on going. A life of purpose that no matter what God has in store for me, I know that my LMU EXP has prepared me for it.”

My LMU EXP is a series of student profiles, where in their own words, Loyola Marymount University students write about the co-curricular experiences that have helped shape them during time on the bluff.