Finding Purpose, Bringing Joy with Melvin Robert ‘05, ’14

Through a series of speakers throughout the semester, students are engaging with former LMU students who Live a Life of Purpose through their careers, relationships and personal interests. Melvin Robert, ‘05, ’14 is co-anchor of Your Morning on Spectrum News …

Purpose in Pink: Think Pink Fun Run

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October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and helps raise awareness about the importance of finding breast cancer early. LMU joined the fight against breast cancer during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by hosting FitWell‘s 13th Annual Think Pink

Finding Purpose on a Migrant Trail in Arizona

LMU Students at Arizona Border

Leading an Alternative Break trip to Tuscon, AZ, was more than an educational opportunity for Karolina Reyes ’19. The experience helped her become more informed on current immigration policies and reflect on her parent’s immigration experiences.

Karolina Reyes ’19

TEDx Returns to LMU to Create Conversations

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TEDx, an independently organized TED event, returned to the Loyola Marymount University campus on Saturday, October 27 to create conversations for students, faculty, staff and the local community. Over 100 attendees got to hear motivational stories and personal messages …

How ASLMU Engages Students in Elections

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In recent years, Associated Students of Loyola Marymount University increased voter participation in students elections so drastically that LMU is now the most politically-active Jesuit campus in the nation.…

Golden Again for The Tower

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For the second consecutive year, Loyola Marymount University’s Tower yearbook has been honored as the best in the country by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association.

Grant Helps LMU Recycle

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From a community garden and free reusable water bottles to solar-powered rooftops, Student Housing has again received recognition for its sustainability efforts on Loyola Marymount University’s beautiful campus.…