Watch Justice on Tap II – Supporting Female Entrepreneurship

This month’s event focused on uplifting women entrepreneurs, sharing stories and insights, and identifying further opportunities for continued advocacy. Hear from current, female, LMU student business owners and faculty. These events aim at putting the “social” back in “social justice” …

Aspiring FBI Agent Joins the Air Force

Coined scaled - Aspiring FBI Agent Joins the Air Force

Inspired by the character Alex Cross, Emmanuel Roman Broussard ’23 wanted to join the FBI to track serial killers. Instead, at just 19 years old, Broussard decided to join the U.S. Air Force. With the help of some veterans he

From Small Town Living to Becoming a World Traveler

IMG 4040 - From Small Town Living to Becoming a World Traveler

In 2011, at just 18 years old, Jameson Buelvas ’21, a communications major from Johnson City, Tennessee joined the Army. He chose to enlist after seeing many members of his family serve. He also held a deep desire to get …

A Journey from the United States Army to Pastor

sammomgrandmommilitary - A Journey from the United States Army to Pastor

The military offers a unique opportunity to travel the world while being in an atmosphere that provides direction while promoting leadership and physical, emotional, and mental toughness. Striving to experience the world from a larger perspective and searching for an …